Psalm 18:30

"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless" - Psalm 18:30

Friday, April 20, 2012

On LOVE...

I should probably be the last person writing on love right now, because I feel like it is not in me. I don’t understand it. I do not comprehend the love of our God at ALL. How he loves us so unconditionally is impossible for me to grasp or wrap my mind around.
I think of the people that frustrate me, irritate me; or the people who have hurt me or my loved ones. I think about the people who are ungrateful, picky, mean, selfish, judgmental, self-centered, the liars, thieves, etc., the list goes on. When I think of those people or when they are put in my life and I have to stand face to face with them it is almost as if I have put a mirror in front of my face: I see that I am also one of “those” people in more ways than one! Despite my efforts and my goals to be this great person, I see that behind it all is the ugliness that I so often see in others. I see that I am the liar, I am the selfish person, I am the picky person who irritates others at times; I am ungrateful… I am all of those things at different times to different people. I am the things that I see and dislike in others. But how could that be?! “Those” people are the people I have the hardest time loving! Maybe even though I don’t realize it, God is showing me the things that are in me. It’s as if he shows them to me and I try to push it away and say, “NO GOD! That is NOT who I am!! Please God, help me! I want you to love me, I don’t want to be one of those people! I want to be the person who loves you and others perfectly. I want to be the one that pleases you! I want to hear the words, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant!’ Please God, tell me that I am not that person you just showed to me.”

But the truth is, I am so far from where I wish I was. I am so far from the person that God has created me to be. It is as those times that I begin to see what is really in my heart and I am discouraged and even disgusted. “How could this be? Lord, I have sought you and desired to love you more than anything! How can I be the person that is sitting back and judging those around me? How can I be speaking, thinking or looking negatively on those around me? THOSE are your sons and daughters! THOSE people are the ones who you love more than anything! Why would I ever think I am better than them in any way? Who am I Lord? Who am I to judge your children?!?!”

I see the truth that is in my heart and I am hit to the ground.  “Lord, I am so unholy. I don’t even deserve your love! I don’t even deserve to…” He stops me mid-sentence and says:

“Daughter (Son),… my love is not for those who deserve it. My love is not conditional and it is not based on who you are or what you  do or DO NOT do. My love for you is everlasting and does not waiver for anything.” I guess I have not fully received and accepted the love that God has for me, because His love is not flowing through me onto others the way it should. It puts me face to face with a mirror that shows me that I am not who I thought I was. The thoughts, the heart attitude and the actions that follow are far from what they should be and it is discouraging and frustrating to realize that although I thought I had come so far, I have missed the essential part of EVERYTHING…Love.

The hard truth is that no one deserves God’s love.  And there is such beauty in that truth. Thank goodness (no thank GOD) that His love is for everyone and not just for those who deserve it, because I would not be on the list of those who deserve it and I don’t think you would be either. It’s just that none of us deserve God’s love and yet he freely gives it. He sent His son Jesus to earth to die on a cross for our sins. Jesus was perfect, BLAMELESS, without sin and he died for our sins! Now that is love. The thing I can’t get my mind around is when I picture Jesus hanging on the cross after being beaten and tortured practically to death by these people—and he says “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:32-34). These people have just done the worst to him and they are about to kill him and Jesus prays to the Lord asking for forgiveness for their sins. WOW, we have an amazing Savior. This is a love beyond our comprehension.

We can look all throughout the 4 Gospels and see that Jesus never had anything but love for those around him. He always made time for them and found ways to show them their potential, value and worth. I would encourage you to look up the story of the Samaritan woman in John chapter 4. This woman was the type of person people would not want to be seen even speaking with. She was the “outcast” and it could ruin your reputation among others if you were seen speaking to her.  Men in particular would not speak with her, but it was also uncommon for men to speak with women in public in general.  And yet Jesus comes and speaks with her, showing her that he knows her, he knows her background, she is valuable and worth his time. Not only did he love those who were desperately alone and in need of love, he loved those who treated him as though he was nothing. Those who flogged him, mocked him, spat on him…He loved them all.  And I have a hard time loving the people who just irritate me a little? I have nothing to compare and no reason to complain:

I need a heart change.

The real thing I need is to RECEIVE the love that has been freely given to me. Once I begin to accept and receive this love with the knowledge that it is not because I deserve it or because of anything I have done, then I can begin to walk freely in God’s love. I will no longer feel that I have to do everything right in order to please God and earn his love; and I will also be able to give His love freely to those around me.  God is love, and he loves us whether we want it or not. If we accept and receive it, we will begin to allow it to flow through us onto others; yes, even the people who are seemingly “impossible” to love. Jesus also has these words to say to us:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy’. But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you…” (Matthew 5:43-44)

That seems impossible right? To love our enemies and pray for those people who are persecuting us and making our lives more difficult?  The truth is that those are the people who need the love the most. Those people who are the hardest to love are usually that way because they do not have love in their own lives. They have not received God’s love and they may not have ever had anyone in their lives show them what real love looks like. Wouldn’t you love to have the opportunity to be the first person to show someone real love? The kind of love that they have longed and hoped for and yet never been exposed to?? It sounds appealing and exciting when you think about it, but it may not be as easy as it sounds once the opportunity comes your way. We must receive God’s love in order to truly love those around us. We cannot do it in our own strength and efforts. Remember, our human love is conditional and circumstantial; it is only God’s love that is unconditional and never-ending. So we can do it in His strength!

So maybe you are like me, and are in a place where you feel like the love is not pouring out of you; or maybe feeling discouraged about the fact that you are so far from where you would like to be.  My encouragement to you is that we are in the process of being changed and restored. God is working in us and each day he is helping us to grow stronger and to become the people he created us to be. But we also have to ask for the changes, desire the growth, seek Him and allow Him to make the changes in us and through us.  It may not be an easy process. It may take a lot of sacrificing and time…but the beauty that comes through the ashes will be worth every difficult moment. I would encourage you to watch this music video; it was an encouragement to me today!

The hope??? Watch this video:

And maybe you are in a place where God is working through you and pouring his love onto all those around you, and if that is true, MORE POWER TO YOU! Praise GodJ Keep relying on God’s strength and spreading his love to everyone you meet; we need more people like you in our world, that’s for sure!!

May you be blessed, encouraged and may God pour His love all over you until it is overflowing to those around you. Go out and love someone.

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