Psalm 18:30

"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless" - Psalm 18:30

Thursday, April 19, 2012

MUST SEE: Lifehouse "Everything"

I'm really not much of a T.V. Junkie, but when Ben and I are traveling on the road for work, sometimes there really isnt much else to do! So tonight we watched American Idol and saw Colton get voted off. Colten was one that we liked simply because we had seen one of the first episodes where he auditioned and remembered him (we havent really kept up with much this season) But tonight I grew to like him a whole lot more. He was kicked off and had to sing his goodbye song and chose "Everything" by Lifehouse. He began the song on his knees and throughout the song raised his hands in praise to God. He even sang it out loud, "You're all I want, You're all I need, GOD, you're everything." It was a powerful moment watching and I definitely started to cry. ( I get emotional about things I'm passionate about, and seeing someone give praise to God, especially in public is something I find so amazing).

Anyways, the song that he sang reminded me of this skit. I have seen it a few times and I cry just about every time. It is such a powerful and touching video, please watch! Especially if you have never seen it!

Click Here---> Powerful skit... God loves you so much!

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